Making Spaces

child in mask working on project

When a child is presented with materials and given support with how to use new tools, there is no limit to what they might create. Last week Junior Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. DeConti and Miss Blenman, offered a new making tray at one of their table centers as morning work. Mrs. DeConti presented a hole puncher and showed the students how to use it. There was no model of what their work should look like, just room and space for open-ended exploration and construction. On hand were mini clipboards and paper for those friends that wanted to sketch out their ideas before executing them!

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Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond

Christine Ladd, Marianne Michailow, and Akilah Williams all attended the seminar Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond sponsored by the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM), NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).

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