Who We Are Who We AreMission and VisionRenbrook at a GlanceCommunity Meet Our PeopleLeadership Team Head of SchoolFaculty and StaffBoard of TrusteesHistoryDeveloping LeadersDiversity and BelongingExtraordinary Environment Follow us Facebook Instagram Linked In Faculty and Staff Filter by Faculty DepartmentAdministrative AssistantsAdmissionArtAthleticsBuildings and GroundsBusiness OfficeChild CareDevelopmentEnglishFood ServicesGrade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Head of School OfficeHealth ServicesHistoryHomeroomHumanitiesInformation TechnologyJr. KindergartenJunior KindergartenKindergartenLearning SpecialistLibraryLife Learning and LeadershipMarketing & CommunicationsMathematicsMusicPhysical EducationPreschoolReceptionScienceSTEAMSummer AdventureVisual ArtsWorld LanguageFilter by Faculty GradeGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Junior KindergartenKindergartenPreschool Annabelle Aber Kindergarten Partner Teacher aaber@renbrook.org 860.236.1661 x294 Nitin Acharya World Languages Department Head nacharya@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 260 Tracy Agreda Support Staff tagreda@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 252 Derek Ali Buildings and Grounds On-Site Manager dali@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 263 John Altieri Grade 4 Teacher jaltieri@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Jessica Anastasio Learning Specialist janastasio@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext 203 Scott Bernier Controller sbernier@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 228 Drea Blenman Junior Kindergarten Partner Teacher ablenman@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 302 Dave Blodgett Academic Technology Coordinator; A.V. Systems Coordinator dblodgett@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 272 Terese Brennan-Marquez Beginning and Lower School Counselor tbrennan-marquez@renbrook.org Jen Caswell Assistant to the Head of School jcaswell@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 233 Camila Cuenca Pina Lower School Spanish cpina@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 205 Kim Dansin Upper School World Languages; Mathematics, Grade 6 Level Coordinator kdansin@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 209 Katie Dawson Music Department Head; Upper School Musical Theater Director kdawson@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 247 Fran Denote English fdenote@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 230 Patty DePasquale School Nurse pdepasquale@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 218 Ben Digel Grade 3 bdigel@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 207 Kerry Doherty Chief Financial Officer kdoherty@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 237 Barb Doyle Director of Marketing and Communications bdoyle@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 232 Donna DuPuis Front Desk Coordinator ddupuis@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 210 Allison Edwards allisonerk@hotmail.com Robin Egan Director of Lower School Admission regan@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 258 Carley Elkin Physical Education celkin@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 254 Maria Ettienne-Modeste Junior Kindergarten Lead Teacher mettienne-modeste@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 302 Abigail Falzarano Preschool Lead Teacher afalzarano@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 248 Kathryn Ferrante Director of Library Services kferrante@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 320 Star Fuller Preschool Lead Teacher sfuller@renbrook.org Olivia Goodrich Upper School STEAM ogoodrich@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 211 Sandy Grabicki Grade 2 sgrabicki@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 297 Eileen Grabowski Staff Accountant egrabowski@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 222 Connie Greenwood Beginning School Music Teacher cgreenwood@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 236 Chloe Groth Upper School Strings Instructor chloehelene@gmail.com 860-236-1661 Josh Guilmartin Preschool Partner Teacher jguilmartin@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 248 Aidan Guzman Buildings & Grounds Staff; Child Care Programs Staff aguzman@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Gretchen Hathaway Editor in Chief, Renbrook Magazine ghathaway@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 239 Kim Hesnan Junior Kindergarten Lead Teacher khesnan@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Ext. Ellen Hoehne Accounts Payable/Payroll Specialist ehoehne@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 226 Amanda Humphrey '06 Auxiliary Programs Coordinator ahumphrey@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Katie Jackson Design & Woodworking kjackson@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 235 Jane Johansen Grade 5 Teacher; Grade 5 Team Coordinator jjohansen@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 215 Kayla Johnson Kindergarten Partner Teacher kjohnson@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 212 Joe Keach-Longo Grade 5 Teacher jkeach-longo@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext 243 Natalie Kirkpatrick Director of Athletics nkirkpatrick@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 255 Becky Klein Art Department Head; Lower School Art bklein@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 223 Sarah Knortz School Counselor sknortz@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 250 Jessica Koch Buildings & Grounds, Staff jkoch@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Sue Kuzia Grade 2 skuzia@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 206 Blair Lachance Upper School World Languages blachance@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Maureen Louis Beginning School Spanish; Lower School Technology Integration mlouis@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 283 Amy Ma English Department Head; Director of Writing Kindergarten-Grade 8 ama@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 310 Heidi Macel Campaign Coordinator hmacel@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Ext. 308 Paul Madore Director of Facilities pmadore@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 259 Karina Marquis Junior Kindergarten Partner Teacher kmarquis@renbrook.org Elissa Mauke Grade 3 emauke@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 289 Abbey Mazella Science; Mathematics amazella@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 311 Ross McLay Humanities & History Department Head; Dean of Students rmclay@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 213 Marianne Michailow Mathematics; Grade 8 Level Co-Coordinator; MATHCOUNTS Coach mmichailow@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 261 Kevin Mirando Physical Education kmirando@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 254 Kira Miskimmin Director of Alumni Relations & Donor Engagement kmiskimmin@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 249 Yasmid Montalvo Junior Kindergarten Partner Teacher ymontalvo@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 293 Mark Morrison Grade 4 mmorrison@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 221 Jen Murray Student Support Services Interventionist jmurray@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 229 Kristen Musumano Grade 1 kmusumano@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 290 Thu-Anh Nguyen Grade 5 Teacher tnguyen@renbrook.org Jackie Nickeo History; Diversity and Belonging Coordinator; Grade 8 Co-Coordinator; Yearbook Advisor jnickeo@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 200 Jim O'Donnell Head of Upper School jodonnell@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 214 Sherry Ouellet Manager of Advancement Services souellet@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 225 Gretchen Paul Director of Beginning School gpaul@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 306 Jessica Pietrosanti Lower School Music; Upper School Band jpietrosanti@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Ext. 238 Emily Plocharczyk Humanities; History eplocharczyk@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 234 Claire Rafala Kindergarten Lead Teacher crafala@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 212 Tia Raimo Beginning & Lower School Administrative Assistant & Registrar traimo@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 241 Nancy Reynolds Grade 1 nreynolds@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 231 Robbie Saal Kindergarten Partner Teacher rsaal@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 294 Dyanara Santa Child Care Programs Staff dsanta@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 252 Julie Schlossinger Head of Lower School; Associate Head of School jschlossinger@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 269 Matt Sigrist Head of School msigrist@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 224 Heather Singer Admission & Marketing Coordinator hsinger@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext 227 Sue Sniffin Child Care Programs Staff ssniffin@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 252 Kristen Stepanishen Grade 4 Teacher kstepanishen@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 291 May Stoffer Upper School Art mstoffer@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 257 Eleanor Strumolo Mathematics Department Head estrumolo@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 202 Will Strumolo Director of Enrollment Management and Financial Aid wstrumolo@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 219 Jed Stuart Director of Secondary School Guidance; Secondary School Seminar jstuart@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 Ext. 266 Sully Sullivan Challenge Course Coordinator wsullivan@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 324 Lisa Terwilliger Upper School Registrar & Administrative Assistant lterwilliger@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 217 Christopher Toomey Junior Kindergarten Lead Teacher ctoomey@renbrook.org Lincoln Vaughan Science lvaughan@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 285 Jess Wawzyniecki Lower School STEM jwawzyniecki@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 298 Sue Werner Director of Technology swerner@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 271 Maya White Preschool Partner Teacher mwhite@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 244 Linda Wood Director of Student Support Services lwood@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 267 Cara Woods Director of Alumni and Development cwoods@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 282 Howard Wright Science Department Head hwright@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 216 Allie Young Director of Development Operations & Individual Giving ayoung@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 318 Andy Zelman Front Desk Coordinator azelman@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext 210 Joe Zoni Chef Manager jzoni@renbrook.org 860-236-1661 ext. 305