Friend Wanted

At Lower School Assembly, third-grade students recently shared excerpts from their “Friend Wanted” ads, a beginning of the school year writing activity. I enjoyed reading through all the ads and learning more about what each student desires in a friend. Some of my favorite excerpts are:
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The Gifts of RecessĀ 

Often when I speak with elementary age children and ask what their favorite subject is in school, the answer most frequently given is… recess. At one time, I hoped I would hear math, reading, or writing, but 9 out of 10 times, it was always recess. It’s actually comical to watch the doors open to the playground and see so many children run out squealing with their arms open wide as if they are hugging the air. It’s such a common behavior and a true gift that brings me joy every time I see it. At this point in my career, I no longer wish to hear the words math, reading, or writing when I ask that question. You see, I now know that recess is a truly significant and important class for our students and one that should not be overlooked.  
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Back to School Musings

How is it that first days of school continue to cause butterflies and excitement in those of us who have been teaching for many, many years? It has been more than twenty-five years for me, yet I continue to experience similar feelings each year, both the night before and the morning of. There are countless picture books about this phenomenon. In fact, there’s a great one titled, “Butterflies on the First Day” by Annie Silvestro that almost all teachers have and bring out to read to their new classes on the first day.  
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