
West Hartford Historians Visit Grade 5

April 8, 2019

West Hartford historian, Tracey Wilson, and her colleague Liz Divine visited the fifth grade as part of their final history unit this year. They are studying slavery in West Hartford; and will use primary and secondary sources to learn about the context of slavery in Connecticut. They’ll discuss the legal and political systems that kept slavery in place, and examine the lives of enslaved individuals who lived in West Hartford. Throughout the unit, they will examine and discuss the injustices of slavery; and also examine the ways in which enslaved individuals resisted slavery’s dehumanization. As a note: any study of slavery in the United States necessarily involves difficult, but incredibly important, discussions. 

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Spelling in Nature

April 5, 2019

The 2nd grade went outside to practice writing their spelling words using things found in nature. 

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5th Grade Creates a Spanish City

April 2, 2019

5th grade Spanish students learn about Spain and the different businesses that can be found in a Spanish city or village. They created their own city complete with stores, restaurants, hospitals using Spanish dialog.

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Learning About Seeing Eye Dogs

February 28, 2019

Renbrook 7th graders welcomed Steve Famiglietti from The NEAT Center at Oak Hill this morning. Thank you for sharing how the K9 dogs get trained in a development center to help the blind! NEAT is Connecticut’s largest private provider of services to people with disabilities.

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Liquids, Solids and Gases

February 28, 2019

JK learned about liquids, solids, and gases today. Demonstrations included mixing baking soda and vinegar to create CO2 gas, how candles, (like people) need oxygen to keep going/burning. A few of our young learners tried using air power to move a ball from place to place.

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Kindergarten Students Make Rube Goldberg Machine

February 19, 2019
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Eighth Poetry Out Loud

February 1, 2019

Poetry Out Loud encourages students to learn about great poetry through memorization and recital. This program helps students master public speaking, build self-confidence, and learn about literary history and contemporary life. Congratulations to all our eighth-grade students and our winner Simone and tied runner ups Justin and Dora!

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Fidelco Guide Dogs Visit Renbrook

January 29, 2019

Seventh graders welcomed Fidelco Guide Dog German Shepards Ocean and Que before raising money for the Renbrook Fidelco Fundraiser on February 22nd.  

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Fourth Grade World Peace Games

January 8, 2019

Have you ever wondered how countries work together? Have you asked yourself how a country runs itself? What rules are needed and who is in charge? Well, the fourth graders experienced just that this term.

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Seventh Graders Explore Japan

January 4, 2019

Students in seventh grade world history just finished their unit on Japan. To demonstrate their understanding of Japanese life and culture, they had several options they could create to show the significance of Japanese culture. These are some of the final products!

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Sixth Grade and Ancient Egypt

January 3, 2019

Sixth grade students wrapped up their study of Ancient Egypt and created Dioramas displaying some of their favorite areas of study during the unit. Some of the areas displayed included the Great Pyramids of Giza, Life Along the Nile River, Temples at Karnak and Tombs and Burial practices.

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Preventing Erosion in STEAM

November 28, 2018
Students in second grade have been developing the idea that water is a powerful force that reshapes the earth’s surface. We’ve compared multiple solutions for preventing erosion. We discussed the wildfires in California, and viewed the devastation of the land when the trees are all gone.  In this activity, they designed and test ways to keep water from washing away a hill modeled out of cornmeal.  
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Thinking Outside the Box

November 13, 2018

For the past five years, students in Kindergarten through grade five here at Renbrook School have participated in the Global Cardboard Challenge inspired by Nirvan Mullick’s film, Caine’s Arcade. Each year, the children, divide into teams and are given the task of designing and building something mostly out of cardboard. They’ve created arcade games, a metropolis, and playgrounds for a guinea pig.

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Third Grade Oregon Trail Hike

October 19, 2018

Third grade set out for the “Oregon Trail” through the Renbrook hiking trails! Students worked together to build wagons in teams and traversed rough terrain with their wagons, making important decisions as a group along the way! 

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Lower School Students Are Dreaming BIG!

October 12, 2018
The Cardboard Challenge is in full swing in grades K-5. This year we’re creating cardboard playscapes designed for children of all ages and abilities. Students in grades K-5 traveled to Jonathan’s Dream Playground on the campus of the Mandell Jewish Community Center in West Hartford. They got to experience firsthand a playground that was designed for children of all ages and abilities.
After returning to campus students Skyped with a playscape designer from CedarWorks, designers of environmentally responsible products in the world for active play, in Rockport, Maine. The designer answered students’ questions and explained the design process from concept to production.
Next stop; Wesleyan University! A playscape design team from Renbrook will be chosen to bring their cardboard prototype to IDEA170 Introduction to Design and Engineering class at Wesleyan. The team will pitch their playscape idea to members of his class. If they choose this project, the Wesleyan students will then build it to scale.
Come see the Cardboard Challenge Showcase on Wednesday, October 24 in Stedman Auditorium anytime between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. TThe playscape creations will be on full display as well as artifacts from the Cardboard Challenge journey!

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JK Story Explorers Program

October 8, 2018

For the JK Story Explorers Program~we will be reading a fun story followed by a hands-on extension activity. Whether our intrepid~explorers find themselves hiking along Renbrook’s extensive trail system, collaborating on an abstract painting, or dramatizing their own fairy tale, this program is both enriching and just plain fun! Our hike was our activity following the story “Henry the Explorer”. Henry makes and then plants flags along the path he takes on his exploration, in order that he may easily find his way back home afterward. Renbrook’s Story Explorers made and planted flags along their path on Renbrook’s red trail.

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Why Project Based Learning?

October 2, 2018

Can you recall the projects you completed as a child in your school? Perhaps you made an instrument for music class, or a diorama for English class, or composed an oral presentation about a U.S. President. While assignments like these can be engaging, you probably don’t remember the specifics of what you learned, and there’s a good reason why. These types of projects only touched the surface of learning because they were not presented as a means to solving an authentic problem, which we now know is one of the keys to making learning memorable and relevant.

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Landforms in STEAM

September 27, 2018

Second graders learned about landforms by making their own! Students got to put different materials on their created landforms to see how it flows in Lower School STEAM.

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Second Graders Present “Renbrookville”

June 1, 2018

Second graders studied how businesses use needs and wants to provide a good or a service to make a profit. Each student created a business and handmade all their goods and services. Then, we participated in a day of trading, also known as “Renbrookville,” to understand simple economics through a direct experience in a mini-market.

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Science is Cool at Renbrook School!

May 25, 2018
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